
Germany Flag Germany

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Security Briefing

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Money and Banking: Banking Laws

German Banking Act 
(Kreditwesengesetz - KWG)

Date Enacted: 1994

Individuals and Organizations Regulated: All banks and financial institutions operating in Germany, including credit institutions, financial services institutions, and investment firms.

Activities Regulated: Deposit-taking, lending, financial intermediation, and asset management.

Purpose of the Law: To ensure the stability and integrity of the German financial system, protect customers, and prevent money laundering and other illegal activities.

German Securities Trading Act 
(Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - WpHG)

Date Enacted: 1994

Individuals and Organizations Regulated: All market participants, including stockbrokers, investment firms, and financial intermediaries.

Activities Regulated: The issuance, trading, and settlement of securities, insider trading, and market manipulation.

Purpose of the Law: To ensure the integrity and transparency of the securities markets in Germany, protect investors, and promote fair competition.

German Payment Services Supervision Act 
(Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz - ZAG)

Date Enacted: 2009

Individuals and Organizations Regulated: All payment service providers operating in Germany, including banks, electronic money institutions, and payment institutions.

Activities Regulated: Payment initiation, account information, and money remittance.

Purpose of the Law: To ensure the safety and efficiency of payment services, protect consumers, and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.

German Anti-Money Laundering Act 
(Geldwäschegesetz - GwG)

Date Enacted: 1993 (amended multiple times)

Individuals and Organizations Regulated: All financial institutions operating in Germany, including banks, insurance companies, and investment firms.

Activities Regulated: Customer due diligence, reporting of suspicious transactions, and record-keeping requirements.

Purpose of the Law: To prevent the use of the financial system for illegal activities and to protect the integrity of the German financial system.

German Investment Act 
(Investmentgesetz - InvG)

Date Enacted: 2004

Individuals and Organizations Regulated: All investment funds operating in Germany, including mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and alternative investment funds (AIFs).

Activities Regulated: Fund management, investment restrictions, and disclosure requirements.

Purpose of the Law: To protect investors, ensure the transparency and efficiency of the investment fund industry, and promote fair competition.

German Insurance Supervision Act 
(Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz - VAG)

Date Enacted: 2016

Individuals and Organizations Regulated: Insurance companies operating in Germany, including life insurers, health insurers, and property and casualty insurers.

Activities Regulated: Insurance product design, sales and marketing, solvency requirements, and reporting requirements.

Purpose of the Law: To ensure the safety and stability of the German insurance industry, protect policyholders, and promote fair competition.

German Consumer Credit Act 
(Verbraucherkreditgesetz - VKG)

Date Enacted: 1990 (amended multiple times)

Individuals and Organizations Regulated: Lenders offering consumer credit in Germany, including banks and other financial institutions.

Activities Regulated: Disclosure requirements, consumer credit agreements, and consumer protection measures.

Purpose of the Law: To protect consumers who take out credit, ensure the transparency and fairness of lending practices, and prevent abusive lending practices.

German Foreign Trade and Payments Act 
(Außenwirtschaftsgesetz - AWG)

Date Enacted: 2020

Individuals and Organizations Regulated: All German companies engaged in foreign trade and payments.

Activities Regulated: Export controls, investment screening, and foreign exchange transactions.

Purpose of the Law: To regulate foreign trade and payments to protect national security and foreign policy interests, ensure economic stability, and prevent money laundering and terrorism financing.