
Germany Flag Germany

Country Overview

Business Culture

Clothing Size Guides


Cost of Living

Culture and Society


Driving and Autos

Economy and Trade


Educational Resources


Export Process

Food Culture and Drink



Health and Medical


Holidays and Festivals

Import Process


Kids' Stuff


Life Stages


Media Outlets

Money and Banking



National Symbols

Points of Interest

Quality of Life

Real Estate


Security Briefing

Social Indicators

Travel Essentials

Names: Female Given Names

Men of various ages

Popular Male Given Names in Germany

Rank Name Meaning
47 Alexander defender of man
45 Alfred elf counsel
10 Andreas manly
20 Bernd brave bear
42 Bernhard brave bear
24 Christian follower of Christ
15 Dieter army of the people
50 Erich eternal ruler
18 Frank from France
26 Franz free man
29 Georg farmer
13 Gerhard spear ruler
8 Hans "God is gracious"
30 Heinrich ruler of the home
9 Heinz ruler of the home
12 Helmut protector
22 Herbert bright army
31 Hermann army man
16 Horst man from the forest
37 Joachim established by God
38 Johann "God is gracious"
17 Josef "God increases"
21 Karl free man
28 Karl-Heinz free man + ruler of the home
5 Klaus people of victory
34 Kurt bold counselor
7 Manfred man of peace
43 Markus dedicated to Mars (Roman god of war)
23 Martin dedicated to Mars (Roman god of war)
46 Matthias gift of God
2 Michael "Who is like God?"
40 Norbert bright north
1 Peter rock
36 Rainer deciding warrior
39 Ralf wolf counsel
33 Rolf wolf
32 Rudolf fame wolf
35 Siegfried peace of victory
25 Stefan crown
4 Thomas twin
48 Ulrich wealthy noble
27 Uwe universal ruler
19 Walter powerful warrior
6 Werner defender
41 Wilhelm resolute protector
49 Willi resolute protector
3 Wolfgang path of the wolf